+91 9821148571


Sundar Vaastu combines knowledge and practicality as essential tools for delivering the best of the best for which you will be always proud of. We find the problems of your residential, commercial, industrial & spiritual premises correct it by giving remedies and make a proper balance of the five elements (air, fire, water, earth & sun) the place. We just simply follow our Vedic culture and encourage the younger generation to do the same.

Sundar Vaastu offers a range of solutions covering Commercial, Residential, Spiritual and Industrial Premises. First, we find out the problems and then we help you get rid of those problems by offering suitable remedies.


PHD and DSC in Vaastu Shashtra

At the outset, it would be prudent on my part to state and admit that I am not a Shastri. It has been my hobby since more than two decades to study, learn, understand, imbibe and implement the Vaastu Shastra. This Shastra teaches us the basic and natural principles relating to the placement and location of our things, belongings, utilities, facilities, etc. within our premises, whether residence or workplace or even a place of worship. Using the knowledge thus gained, I had faith and trust that I will move ahead in my life, and I did.

This personal experience increased my confidence. I started giving suggestions and advice to those who were close to me, and who in turn confirmed the beneficial impact they experienced. On getting this positive response, it emboldened me into guiding many others. Friends and relatives to whom I have provided guidance so far have derived immense benefits. In turn, I have derived deep satisfaction. This modest success has prompted me, with due encouragement from friends, to write this note - SUNDAR VAASTU - with the specific purpose of passing on our own Indian Ancient Wisdom to a wider circle.

For the benefit of the uninitiated in this matter, it may be stated that once the Vaastu Shastra is implemented, it generates its own positive energy forces, eliminating the bad effects of negative energy forces around us and our premises. As a result, there is easing out and dilution of problems, issues, troubles and difficulties, whether they are personal, familial, health, social, business, economic or any other. It can be stated that by following the principles of Vaastu Shastra within our premises, we create a climate for correction of the environmental and ecological disorder of the earth. In other words, by our small step, we are able to set in motion a larger good without ourselves being aware of it.

While placing this note before the reader, it is necessary to draw his attention to the belief and faith that as ordained by all our Shastras, each one of us has to face and undergo the inevitable consequences - beneficial or otherwise - according to the principles of Karma.
The note ends with certain observations made by me. They are mere observations. As no principles are involved, it is for the reader to compare them with his own understanding of the reality. Lastly, the reader is urged not to judge this note by its size. It is precise, concise and in simple language. Hence, there will be no need to consult anybody. If this note is found to be useful, practical and effective, I will consider my efforts worth undertaken. It will give me inner satisfaction of having done a good job.

Let me extend to the reader abundant Goodwill and Good Wishes for her/his Sukh (Happiness), Shanti (Peace) and Samruddhi (Prosperity) forever.

Mumbai, 18th November, 2008

Nilesh N. Shah

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