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Principles of Vaastu

Vaastu Shastra is the only way to make our lives better and Secured from things going wrong. Vaastu combines all the five elements of nature called "Panchabhootas" and balance them with the men and the material.

1. EARTH (Bhumi):-

Earth is a massive magnet with North and South poles as centers of attractions. It has a huge magnetic field surrounding the globe and flowing from North Pole to South Pole. The gravitational force of our earth is created by the minerals and ores it contains inside. In India, Earth is worshiped as Mother and is called as 'Bhumi Devi'. Excavations like sump, bore well, septic tank in the South West corner of a place are to be avoided to get the blessings of Earth in the south west corner.

2.WATER (Jal):-

Water is rain, river and sea and is in the form of liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam, cloud). Water forms part of every plant and animal. The environment and physical life are solely where water is there. All the civilian cultures had developed on the bank of a water body. Excavations like sump, bore well and well are to be done in the north east corner to get the blessings of Water.

3.AIR (Vaayu):-

Air is incredibly powerful life supply as a life-supporting component. Pure air with oxygen is good for brain and blood. Air deals with the whole body surface through skin, blood system - through respiration. Air represents the movement. Excavations like septic tank, stair cases, Toilets and bath rooms are to be built in the North West corner to get the blessings of Air.


Fire represents light and heat without which the life will extinct. Fire makes our food, warms our body. Fire can create as well destroy. Fire still continues in the earth and sometimes explodes as Volcanoes. Sun is considered a Fire guard and emits lot of heat energy.

South East corner of a place called "Agni Kona" is considered as the related position of this Panchabhoota. Kitchen is the best form of satisfying this Panchabhoota Fire.

5.SPACE (Aakash):-

All the above Five Natural Elements are contained in the space. It is endless and infinite and humankind has not fully explored it till date. Space is in which not only our solar system but the entire galaxy exists. Its effective forces are light, heat, gravitational force and waves, magnetic field and others.

Center of a place called "Brahmasthan" and is considered as the related position of this Panchabhoota. Excavations like sump bore well, septic tank and heavy structures like staircases are to be avoided to get the blessings of Space. Open to Sky places in the center of a place is good to gain the energy of Space.

Human can improve his living conditions by properly designing his buildings by understanding the effectiveness of these five natural forces as rules of Vaastu Shastra includes all of them in its principles.

"The earth is our mother, Aditi is cause of birth, and Space is our brother. May these all save us from sins. Sky is our father. May he be auspicious to us in our faults with forefathers. Let me not fall from the world by offending against relatives" - From Hindu Vedas.

In India, there are temples dedicated to the Panchabhootas referred to as 'Panchabhoota Sthaans', each of which represents one of the Panchabhootas. Every temple has Lord Shiva worshiped in the form of Shiva Linga related with one of the basic five elements.